eXplore Show 2024 – Exhibitor Prospectus and Registration

Waikato | Rotorua | Taupō | Ruapehu | The Coromandel | Bay of Plenty | Tairāwhiti-Gisborne | Hawke’s Bay

EXHIBITOR Registrations Are Now CLOSED .
Reach out to your RTO to request late registration.


Exhibitor  Set Up:

Monday 29th April 
4pm-4.45pm Set up  – floor access.
4.45pm Event Breifing (All Exhibitors please)
Eden Park, North Stand Level 5 Lounge, Kingsland Auckland

Exhibitor Networking Function: Monday 29th April 
5 – 6.30pm – Eden Park, North Stand Level 5 Foyer
eXplore Show Time:

Tuesday 30th April
Scheduled Appointments: 7.30am -8.45am (NEW)
Event Free Flow 9am-3pm
Eden Park – North Stand Level 5 Lounge, Auckland



eXplore Show 2024 – The Event

You have been invited by your RTO to this one-day tourism trade show to be held at Eden Park in Auckland in April 2024, the 12th annual event for the eXplore Central North Island (ECNI) group.  We are planning for around 200 buyers, media and trade partners to attend with 100+ operators and 8 RTOs exhibitors from throughout the Central North Island.  eXplore Show 2024 has again changed from previous events with some exciting new additions, so if this is your first time, or even if you’ve been before or – please read this prospectus in FULL before you register!

The Audience

The event is targeted at the main travel partners, ranging from the Product Buyer/Decision Makers at Inbound and Wholesale Companies through to frontline staff from i-SITEs, retail travel agencies and inbound/wholesale companies, as well as Tourism NZ staff from the trade and media teams. We have previously had buyers fly into the event from around the country and Australia, and for 2024 we will also be inviting buyers travelling to NZ for TRENZ from our key markets Australia, USA and UK/Germany.

There is no better opportunity to engage with so many quality buyers and influencers in one place,
in one day.  A targeted and receptive audience!

Want to know more?
See a slide show from the 2023 Event
View a quick video from our 2018 event –
Watch Here!

Exhibitor Criteria

1) You must be Trade Ready – that is, you must be prepared to discuss and offer commissions and rates, and be willing book with inbound and wholesale travel companies.  If you need some more information on what it means to be Trade Ready or help with understanding this fully, please contact your local Regional Tourism Organisation who will be happy to help. See the RTO Contact List at the end of this document. 

Tip: Check out www.tourismexportcouncil.org.nz – Planning for Export Success

2) You will need to allow one and a half to two days in Auckland in your schedule for this event for setup, Operator Networking Function, and the show day itself.

Monday April 29th – Set up and Exhibitor Function

Exhibitors can arrive at the venue and access the show floor between 4-5 to bring any items for set up to their stand, and get familiar with their space.  We will hold an Exhibitor housekeeping briefing for the event at 4.45pm (not the morning of the show day as previous), and request all operators attend please.  Following this short but important briefing we will then enjoy a networking function for all the Exhibitors in the foyer of our Eden Park venue.  A drink token (cash bar there after), and some light food will be supplied.  Finish 6.30pm.  This is an excellent opportunity to engage with other Tourism operators after the busy summer season and make new sector connections. Many view this session is as valuable as the show itself.

Tuesday April 30th – The Event

As buyers arrive (some like to come early) they will be met by an ECNI representative to check in. Each buyer will be offered a bag should they wish to collect brochures and trade sheets along the way. They will also be given an event programme which contains the exhibitor list, a small profile on your business, and a layout of the venue showing where the regions and the Exhibitors are located. The venue layout is designed to ensure buyers will pass and potentially engage with all Exhibitors. The event finishes at 3pm. After the event you will be given a full database of attendees to enable you to follow up with them directly.

The doors open officially for all buyers to the open session at 9:00am, and new for 2024 we will also be running a short PRE – SCHEDULED appointment session from 7.30- 9am.

NEW  2024:  BREAKFAST Session 7.30-9am

In response to Buyer feedback from last year, we will run a short scheduled appointment session from 7.30-9am. Buyers will select from the Exhihibitor list up to 15 Exhibitors they would like to meet with, and will ultimately be scheduled 8 x 10 minute appointments from that list. Buyers attend the appointments and can then stay as long as they wish to connect with other operators after 9am. The remainder of the day is unstructured and will run free-flow. Buyers and Exhibitors will be issued thier appointments prior to the event.

Getting the Buyers There

The Explore Central North Island group will be marketing eXplore Show 2024 to buyers through a wide range of publications, direct invitations and mail-outs.

The marketing for this show will include:

  • Updates in 8 member RTO newsletters to Trade and MICE databases
  • Advertising in industry publications/communications
  • Inclusion in industry calendars of the event where possible
  • Emailed invitations to buyers throughout NZ
  • Phone follow ups to ITO/IBO where necessary
  • RTOs will meet many IBO teams at a training event just prior to the event, and invite participants.
  • Email reminder the day before the event to all RSVPs to attend!
  • Feel free to invite your travel trade partners to register and attend so you can meet up with them.
We expect to be full for 2024 with a cap at 115 Exhibitors and we will operate a waiting list. 
Exhibitor registration is on a first-in basis so don’t miss out!

We know there has been a continuation of staff rebuilding in the Wholesale and Inbound sector in recent years times and expect we will again get a wide variety of markets, team members and levels of product knowledge within the buyer delegates.

Exhibitor Stands

eXplore Show 2024 will have a similar set up as 2023  we will visually format the event and supply all signage for all operators. (Watch a slide show from the 2023 Event Here!)

Every exhibitor will receive full stand signage as part of the event, colour-coded by region, and after the event you can take home and keep your pull up banner to reuse for your business. You will have plants and a small bar leaner on your stand  –  space is very limited.

Ideally you would want two people on your stand to enable you to get the most out of the show, and to ensure there is always someone present on your stand, but one is ok. However, please no more than 2 at ony one time! Your registration entitles you to 1 delegateAn additional Delegate will incur a $120+gst fee.

What Is Provided With Your Registration?

  • Your site space.
  • Design, printing and distribution of the event invitation, event promotion and programmes.
  • Your pullup banner designed to template and provided at the venue (up to 3 images, no logos) – you can take this home after the event.
  • A bar leaner and two chairs and plants.
  • 1 x shared power connection.
  • Registration for one delegate – an additional (2nd) delegate is at $120+gst – no more than 2 on the stand please at any one time.
  • Name tags for your delegates (we will be in touch closer to the time to finalise details).
  • Marketing of the event to relevant trade partners (Buyers).
  • Marketing of you attending the event via floor plan and a Seller Directory supplied to the buyers (both digital and hard copy) before the event.
  • A list of registered suppliers and buyers emailed prior to the event and full database following.
  • Hospitality – operator function, light breakfast, morning tea, barista coffee, lunch for you and the buyer delegates.
  • Attendance at the Operator Function (A beverage (and cash bar) and light food).
  • 30 Second video or slide show of your business on 2 giant HD Video walls at the venue – you are to provide your desired content ( We will request this in March). This will be played on rotation every 30-40 minutes – around 10 exposures across the day. Note: There is no audio – pictures only.
  • Pre event breifing (online).


What to Bring to the Show

  • Your laptop if you want to show pictures, slides, presentation or refer to rates/website.
  • Printed Trade marketing material for your product(s) – brochures, rate sheets if you wish. (Think green, think limited space!)
  • small map is often useful as a reference for your location.
  • Business cards or an e-card.
  • A small extension cord if needed.
  • Note:  any additional plugged in items other than laptop, and cell phone chargers must be tested and tagged at your cost prior to the event.

Serving of Food and Beverages from your exhibition space is not always possible due to our contract and Health and Safety requirements at the venue. Please contact and discuss this with Vanessa prior to the event. We need to gain permission from the venue under our contract for you to distribute any hospitality (food or beverage).

Event Cost and Cancellation

The cost of exhibiting at eXplore Show 2024 is $1250+gst. 

Unless you are told otherwise – you will be invoiced BY YOUR RTO in late February for 20th March Payment.  It is possible there may be an additional small fee payable to your RTO for additional theming costs.  They will advise operators direct. The cost of additional Delegates will be invoiced following the event. 

Cancellation by email to your RTO or ECNI (Vanessa) prior to 20th March 2024 will not incur any fee. 
Cancellation March 20th – April 10th 2024 will incur a 50% cancellation fee of $625 gst.
Cancellation 11th – 29th April 2024 will incur the full cost of exhibiting.
Additional delegates must be confirmed and advised before April 22nd 2024, and all extra delegates registered by this time will be invoiced for regardless of attendance.
RTO’s reserve the right to cancel your registration for non-payment.

Should eXplore Central North Island cancel the event for unforeseen circumstances after invoicing, you will be notified by email and a refund given in full.

What’s Not Included in the Exhibitor Fee?

  • Your transportation to Auckland.
  • Your accommodation in Auckland for the night before (and possibly after) the show.
  • Any meals outside of the show itself.
  • Your booth collateral, or video preparation/editing.
  • Any regional theming costs as outlined by your RTO.
  • A second delegate.

How Do You Register?

Easy – prepare your short blurb for the programme to cut and paste into your registration (Max 120 characters), and prepare to upload an image for your instand then please complete the online form by clicking on the Online Registrations Link below.

Want to reuse or edit  last years blurb or need inspiration? You can review the programme, then copy and paste content from HERE

Exhibitor Registrations close February 2024!

By registering for the eXplore Show 2024, you acknowledge:

    1.  I have read the Exhibitor Prospectus and understand the inclusions and cancellation policies
    2. I understand my attendance is with approval of my local RTO only.
    3. I am willing and able to work with Tourism Trade
    4. My RTO will invoice me $1250+gst exhibitor fee (plus any additional RTO costs as indicated by them), and additional delegate fees if applicable  for payment prior to 20th March 2024.
    5. As an Exhibitor, my contact details will be shared with the buyers and other exhibitors attending the event
    6. I have the appropriate registrations required under Worksafe NZ to operate my Tourism business.

Register HERE:


Can I request appointments from ECNI for the Breakfast session? Not for 2024. This session is for Buyers to ensure they get guaranteed time with the Exhibitors they need to see and so will be scheduled as per their request. We will endeavour to distribute appointments as widely through the operators as possible.

Will all Exhibitors get appointments for the Breakfast Session? Exhibitors will get appointments if requested by a Buyer.  Some might get a few whilst others could get all 8 appointments. We anticipate that not all Exhibitors will have appointments requested. The schedule for your business will be published before the event day so you know who you will be meeting with.

Why has the price increased?  The eXplore Show was subsidised by ECNI in 2023 to keep costs down for operators re-entering the market post COVID years.  We have had increases in some supplier costs, and we also have an additional breakfast session to host.  Note there is no expectation of payment from Exhibitors until March 20th, 2024. (Post summer season.)  We collectively are the hosts, and so Buyers attend at no cost for the event.

What happens if there are more than 115 Exhibitors registered? Exhibitors are accepted on a ‘first-in’ basis (pending approval from the RTO you are trade ready).  Any registrations over this will be on a wait list, then invited should a space become available.

Can I reuse my banner from 2023? Following feedback, we are tweaking the design of the banners to allow more than one image (up to three), and using a new supplier.  All banners need to conform for the aesthetic of the event so will be resupplied.  With sustainability in mind, you are able to retain the banner after the event and reuse as you wish.

Can I share a stand with another operator? Yes, however limitations apply – One banner per stand (we can feature both businesses in the artwork), one appointment stream for the breakfast session, one profile in the programme, maximum 2 delegates on the stand at any one time.  Talk to your RTO about whether that’s a good idea or not for your business.

Any Other Questions?

Contact Vanessa Payne  – eXplore Show Coordinator
T: 021 1653 547     Em: [email protected]

Or contact your local Regional Tourism Organisation Trade Manager (RTO) :

Destination Coromandel – Megan Nunn
[email protected] 
Hamilton & Waikato Tourism – Rebecca Evans  
[email protected]
Tourism Bay of Plenty – Mary Tolley
[email protected] 
RotoruaNZ – Lou Baddiley 
[email protected]
Tairāwhiti-Gisborne – Kim McVicker 
[email protected]
Destination Great Lake Taupō – Alice Orr
[email protected]  
Hawke’s Bay Tourism –  Liz Grossman
[email protected] 
Visit Ruapehu – Mahalee Guieysse
[email protected]



